What You need to know

We’re thrilled that you’ve taken the first step of starting your weight loss journey with us and, ahead of your first night, here’s everything you need to know.

First up, your kit! Here’s what you’ll need:-

  • A rugby shirt or a t-shirt without a hood.
  • Shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Socks
  • Gum shield  – these are optional for all players.
  • Footwear. We’d recommend screw-in metal or moulded studded footwear only. No blades, astro trainers or flat soles for your sessions at MAN v FAT Rugby.
  • If you wear glasses, we must tell you that they’re worn at your own risk. We’d recommend that you wear sports goggles or contact lenses to be on the safe side.
  • Bring a water bottle too – it’s going to be important to stay hydrated!

Some helpful resources

To get yourself ready, we’ve prepared a special Exercise 101 booklet, to give you some exercises to do at home ahead of getting started!

And you can get yourself ready in the kitchen too, with our awesome Food As Fuel guide!

Feeling the nerves?

If you’re excited about your first session but nervous too, don’t worry. It’s nerve-wracking to walk into a new environment full of people you don’t know. Combine that with not knowing what to expect, and we don’t blame you if you’re feeling a little nervous.

But we’re here to support you at every step of the way. Here are the key concerns we see from people who are just starting.

What if I’m the biggest guy there?

This is by far the biggest concern we hear from new players. All MAN v FAT Rugby players must have a BMI of over 27.5 to join, and men of all shapes and sizes play in our leagues.

Remember that they all started where you are now – overweight and wanting to lose weight.

I don’t know what to expect

It’s hard to imagine what something unknown is going to be like and nerves around this are natural.

You can read through our FAQS to familiarise yourself on how this all works.

I don’t do well in new social situations

That’s OK, no one is going to judge you if you’re not immediately the life and soul of the party, and the choice is always yours to get involved as little or as much as you like.

You’ve already got two things in common, the desire to lose weight and rugby, so it might surprise you how much you enjoy the social aspect.

But I’m not very good at rugby/I’ve never played before!
No one who joins starts off on a Jonah Lomu level, and we see men who haven’t held a ball since they were a kid join and do well. And besides, you’ll get better as the weeks go on and your fitness improves.

We can’t wait to welcome you to MAN v FAT Rugby and to see the great progress you make in your time with us!

Got any more questions?

Remember, you can check out our FAQ guide or just drop us a line at rugby@manvfat.com and we’d be glad to help!

Lose weight, Play Rugby

Secure your spot

MAN v FAT Rugby is for men with a BMI of 27.5 or over. Over 90% of players lose weight and get fitter, why not join them.


Email: rugby@manvfat.com

Phone: 0345 163 0042



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